GraceLife exists to help people who don’t know Jesus come to know Him and those who know Him come to know Him better.

I’m New Here!
Welcome to GraceLife

We are so glad you are here! Please let us know if we can answer any questions!

Sunday Services

9:30am • 11:00am

In-person Worship and Streaming Online

Upcoming Events

Here are a few upcoming events and updates to keep in the know of what is happening at GraceLife!

D-Group Registration

If you’re interested in joining a D-Group—or if you’re already meeting in one—please register today using the link below. D-Groups will form over the next few weeks and officially launch in January 2025.

Christmas Eve Service

Join us at 5:00pm as we come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus and the light He brings to the world. Candlelight, communion, and a message from Pastor Tim. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors – all are welcome!

Guest Reception

If you’re a guest or have been visiting GraceLife for a while, come join us immediately following the 11:00 service in room 200 for food and fellowship. We would love to meet you!

Our Discipleship Pathway

Know God

through weekly worship and teaching

Find Community

in weekly Life Group gatherings

Make Disciples

in yearly D-Groups of 3-5 members

Change the World

through missions, evangelism, and volunteering

Our Core Values

Core Values help determine what we do & how we do it; they serve as guardrails to keep us moving towards our vision & protect us from drifting off towards other “things.”

Make A Real Change In Someone’s Life

There are many ministries at GraceLife to get plugged into. If you would like to speak with one of our pastors or church staff members to learn more call the church office at 540-382-2160.

Our Ministry Partners

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