Due to some increases in costs and the variety of ways our building will be used, several items originally intended for the building were not able to be completed/purchased. Although not essential to everyday operations, these items will help us to minister more effectively in our new location.
- Unfinished commercial kitchen: Th is includes HVAC, plumbing, electrical, flooring, and drywall work to give us a usable kitchen for fellowships and meals.
- Additional A/V equipment: From cameras for the Great Room to portable sound & video systems for classrooms, we still have a number of technology needs that were not anticipated in the original budget for the construction project.
- Playground equipment: Now that we have larger areas designated for playgrounds, we require funds to outfit these spaces with age-appropriate equipment for children to use.
- To pay off the construction loan: Our church borrowed just over 4 million dollars to complete the construction. The majority of this year’s capital campaign will go toward paying down our indebtedness.
The Love Offering is primarily a love and thank offering to our Lord Jesus Christ who gave the ultimate love gift —Himself, and who loves us with a priceless love. As Pastor Tim has said, our Love Offerings are not tithes, but are gifts above and beyond our tithe.
- As you determine how much to give, prayerfully consider the following:
- God knows the need.
- God knows how much of the need He wants to meet through you.
- What God desires to do through you, He will provide to you.
- When we give obediently as God has guided and provided, He gets the glory and we get the blessing!
The need this year is truly God-sized and will require us to increase our faith to reach our goals. Please prayerfully consider what God wants you to give, and obediently and sacrifi cially give as God directs you. If you have any questions about giving that have not been covered in this brochure, please call the church office and someone from the campaign team will be made available to assist you.