MSM Service Wrap-Up 2-5-12

This week we took a break from the normal youth services and combined MSM and HSM for our first Super Bowl Party! We had over 60 youth and ate pizza, snacks, and desserts while watching the game. During half time, Jonathan gave a quick devo on understanding who Jesus...

Student Ministry Super Bowl Party!

GraceLife Student Ministry is hosting a Super Bowl party Sunday, February 5 in the High School worship room (room 211). Kickoff is scheduled for 6:30 so we’ll open the room at 6:00. Middle School students should bring finger foods to share, desserts and drinks...

Student Ministry Parents Meeting January 8

On Sunday, January 8, we will hold a Parents Meeting for parents of students in grades 6-12 to discuss two big upcoming events: Breakaway and Summer Camps (X-Fuge on Mission for HSM and Centrifuge for MSM). The meeting will be held in room 200 at 5:30 and will be done...