New Life! In Christ: Why Sin Doesn’t Win Part I
In this sermon from Romans 6:1-7 we see the reality of our spiritual death and burial to the power of sin.
In this sermon from Romans 6:1-7 we see the reality of our spiritual death and burial to the power of sin.
There is no greater authority than God’s authority, and that changes everything about how we see our circumstances and situations. This sermon from Psalm 103 and 115 delves into this important topic and shows us God’s eternal love and mercy demonstrated through His sovereignty.
In this message Pastor Tim shows the pervasiveness of sin and its effects on our lives. This message from Romans 5:12-14 helps us understand how greatly we needed a Savior. Stay tuned for week two of this two part sermon!
The good news of the Gospel is put in perspective when we understand how desperately needy we are. In this sermon from Romans 5:6-11, Pastor Tim helps us see our need for a Savior and how Jesus offers us a gift better than we could ever deserve.
Because of the work of Jesus on the cross, Christians are justified before God and enjoy the benefits of that new position both now and through eternity. In this sermon from Romans 5:1-5, Pastor Tim examines “Our Permanent Possessions”.
In this first sermon from our new series, Pastor Tim uses Romans 5:1 to help us understand our need for new life in Christ and what difference that makes in our lives.