Taking on the World, One City at a Time
Our hope and dream here at GraceLife is to visit as many unreached people groups in the world. Our church has been called to many places throughout the world to go and serve.
Mission Trip History
GraceLife has been a part of many mission trips over the years.
Mission Trip Testimonies
Read testimonies from some of our GraceLife friends and families. Get a small view into what they experienced and how Jesus moved them on their mission trip.
I Received a Gift
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) If you have found this page, odds are it's because someone gave you a gift. It was in a simple white envelope with some...
Local Outreach
We believe strongly that Jesus' command to reach the world with the Gospel begins here. Below, you will find just a sample of some of the local outreach programs and ministries we participate with. Spirit Lifters We have a number of individuals who visit individuals...
GraceLife Baptist Church recognizes that it is our responsibility to partner with what God is doing around the world to reach people for Christ. That leads us to involvement with a variety of missions organizations around the world. International Mission Board...
Mission Trip Opportunities
If you have interest in joining us for one of our international mission trips e-mail us at info@gracelifefamily.org to be put on a notfication list of upcoming opportunities.