The members of the GraceLife Staff Search Committee are excited to update you on the progress of searching for two new positions here at GraceLife Baptist Church: Associate Pastor and Minister of Music and Worship. We have met several times as a committee along with Pastor Tim and are ready for the search process to go live today! So far, we have spent time discussing the process of hiring new church staff positions and what our needs are as a church. We have worked together to create profiles for each position as well as for our church and community. Most importantly, we have prayed together to seek God’s will for this continuing process. Feel free to check out the following link to learn more about the two positions: We will be accepting resumes throughout April and May. Please be in prayer with us as we seek God’s direction throughout the process. Specifically, pray for us to have wisdom and discernment as we continue to seek God’s will for our church. We will continue to update this blog as we have new information to share about the process.