Apr 18, 2012 | Sermons
With all the great men and women of history to use as examples, why does God would use a prostitute? Hear an incredible story of faith in this continuation of our Courageous series as we look at the life of Rahab.
Aug 8, 2011 | Sermons
What can kill the work of God’s grace in the life of a body? Find out in this crucial message from Galatians 5 preached by our pastor as a part of our Living the GraceLife series.
Aug 1, 2011 | Sermons
Is it possible to really know you’re saved? Once you are, can you lose it? Find out what God’s Word has to say in this message from 1 John 5:13.
May 2, 2011 | Sermons
May 1, 2011 – AM Service
Regardless of their financial standing or net worth, Christians are the richest people of all. Find out why this is true in this message that continues our series Living the GraceLife